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FOLIO is a magazine of strange, comic, and strangely comic words and pictures published from 2006 to 2009. For back issues please contact the_folio@hotmail.com.

Issue No. 2, Words - There Are Poems Beyond Reproach

there are some poems beyond reproach
whose time-sick authors often gutter
and then blacken with ill-timed flame!

there are some moments pass us blind
that only in brightest afterthought
we are shown exactly how re-frame!

there are deadly nightmares we approach
whose roaring monsters often mutter
some once distinct and much-loved name!

there are wakeful instants we are kind,
whose twisted aftertastes have brought
us wonder the sour nature of this game!

there are small candles we light and coach
in arts of fire---through cupped hands we utter
curses at fistful winds we cannot tame!

there are small prayers sent out, aligned
to the spectra of starlight, with nought
to guarantee any answer to our aim!

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